

Relying on Heaven to Slaughter Dragons

  • 大森冷子,观月亚理沙,小林有子,高挢由美子  
  • 今井绘理子  


  • 电视剧


    其它 法语 日语 

  • 未知



类型:战争 恐怖 科幻 
语言:其它 法语 日语 
跳DAN放在里面(miàn )坐公(💼)交知乎(hū )跳DAN放在里面坐公交知乎公交(jiāo )车作(🌃)为人们日常出(chū )行的主要交通工具之一,在城市中扮(bàn )演着重要的角色。而(🌻)跳DAN这一现象,很多人对此感(🧢)(gǎn )到(dào )困惑和(hé )不解。为什么有些人在公交车上会(huì(⏳) )跳DAN呢?这一现象又体现(xiàn )了(👗)什么(me )问题?在(zài )知乎跳DAN放在里面坐公交知乎








【参考翻译】Jumping DAN and Sitting on the Bus: Controversies and Discussions on Zhihu

As one of the main means of transportation in urban areas, buses play a significant role in people's daily commuting. However, the phenomenon of "jumping DAN" on buses has puzzled and confused many passengers. Why do some people jump DAN on buses? What does this phenomenon reflect? On Zhihu, these questions have sparked extensive discussions and analyses.

Firstly, let us clarify what "jumping DAN" means. It refers to the sudden act of standing up and then sitting down on a bus. This behavior can make other passengers uncomfortable or even disturbed, as jumping DAN may cause them to lose balance and get injured. Although jumping DAN may be a habitual action for the jumper, it has an impact on other passengers.

So why do some people jump DAN? From a professional perspective, there are several possible reasons. Firstly, an individual's physical condition might influence their jumping DAN behavior. Some individuals may feel uncomfortable and need to stand up and relax or adjust their posture, making jumping DAN a normal response. Secondly, passengers may encounter crowded conditions on the bus, making it difficult to find a comfortable seat. In order to free up seating for other passengers, some opt to jump DAN. Lastly, some people may have developed a habit of jumping DAN on buses for the sake of personal comfort.

However, jumping DAN has stirred controversy. On the one hand, it may cause inconvenience or risks for other passengers. Especially for the elderly, pregnant women, and disabled individuals who genuinely require seats, jumping DAN makes their travel more difficult. On the other hand, due to the lack of regulations and constraints, it is challenging to deter or punish such behavior, leading to helplessness and anger for some people.

On Zhihu, there are many questions and discussions regarding jumping DAN. Some users believe that the management and control of jumping DAN should be strengthened. For instance, increasing public education for bus passengers and guiding everyone to cultivate good habits of civilized commuting. Others suggest establishing relevant laws and regulations to clarify the illegality of jumping DAN, enabling appropriate penalties for violations.

In conclusion, the topic of jumping DAN and sitting on the bus is worth exploring and resolving. Although jumping DAN behavior may simply be an individual's habit or reaction, it does cause inconvenience for others. By strengthening management and control, promoting education and awareness, and establishing relevant laws and regulations, we can gradually address this issue and make buses a more civilized and comfortable transportation option.

从(cóng )专业的角度来(lái )看,席勒的过度风格(gé )有其正面和负(fù )面的影(yǐng )响。一方面,这种语(🌫)言的运用使(shǐ )得他的思(sī )想表达更加准确和(hé(🕰) )精(jīng )确,能够更好(hǎo )地(🌡)捕捉到他内心(🚙)深处的(de )情(qíng )感和想法(fǎ )。此外,这种(♿)(zhǒng )过度(🔘)(dù )风格还体现(xiàn )了(le )席勒(lè )独特(tè )的创造力和思(sī )考方(fāng )式,使他的作品在当时(shí )和(hé )今天都能引起人们的兴趣和(hé )研究。
