

Relying on Heaven to Slaughter Dragons

  • 寺尾友美,浅沼顺子,森下纯菜,佐藤江梨子  
  • 菅原晶子  


  • 电影


    韩语 法语 德语 

  • 未知



类型:枪战 其它 战争 
语言:韩语 法语 德语 
洗(xǐ )屋(🍞)(wū )先(🍤)生我(wǒ )樱花未增删带翻译洗屋(wū )先生,我樱(yīng )花未增删(带翻译)洗屋先生是一(yī )部由日本动画师大友(🐕)(yǒ(😢)u )克洋于2001年(🌲)创作的(de )动画短片。这(😞)部作品以(yǐ )20世纪初的东京为(wéi )背景,展(zhǎn )现了一个世(shì )外桃源般的神(shén )秘屋子,并以樱花为主题。这个故(🚥)(gù )事发(fā )生在一个名为(wéi )洗屋先生洗屋先生我樱花未增删带(🆓)翻(💔)译










Mr. Washinomiya, I Haven't Added or Deleted Cherry Blossoms (with translation)

Mr. Washinomiya is an animated short film created by Japanese animator Katsuhiro Otomo in 2001. Set in early 20th century Tokyo, this work presents a mysterious house as an idyllic utopia, with cherry blossoms as its central theme.

The story takes place inside the house of a man named Mr. Washinomiya. Located in a narrow alley next to a café, visitors have to remove their shoes before entering his laundry shop. In this quaint house, many customers with peculiar needs find Mr. Washinomiya to solve their problems. Each story is based on cherry blossoms, and presents them in their vibrant colors and graceful postures.

The first story depicts a beautiful woman with transparent clothing. Her transparent clothing is a manifestation of some psychological obstacles in her life. Mr. Washinomiya cures her psychological issue by washing her clothes, and she becomes confident and frees herself from this affliction.

The second story is about a sorrowful musician who constantly plays sad notes on his instrument. He seeks Mr. Washinomiya's assistance in purifying his soul by washing his instrument. In a magical way, Mr. Washinomiya transforms his sadness into beautiful notes, allowing him to rediscover the joy of music.

The third story showcases a girl who has lost her memories. When she sees the cherry blossoms in full bloom at Mr. Washinomiya's house, she regains her awareness of her past and identity. The beauty of the cherry blossoms and Mr. Washinomiya's washing process become the guiding light for her to trace her past and rebuild herself.

Mr. Washinomiya is an animated short film that combines surrealism and fantasy. Through cherry blossoms, a symbol rich in Japanese culture, it portrays the emotions and psychological changes deep within people. The character of Mr. Washinomiya plays the role of a marvelous psychiatrist, healing the emotional wounds of his customers through his unique washing technique.

This animation has received widespread acclaim due to its exquisite visuals and subtle emotional portrayals. The cherry blossoms' blooming and Mr. Washinomiya's washing process incorporate profound symbolism in each story. Their presence adds a powerful touch to these stories that can deeply move viewers.

Mr. Washinomiya, I Haven't Added or Deleted Cherry Blossoms is a worthy animated short film to watch. With cherry blossoms as its core theme, it showcases the power of love, healing, and personal growth through the character of Mr. Washinomiya and the series of stories he experiences with his customers. Whether the audience is young or adults, this work can bring profound emotions and inspiration during the viewing process.

其次(cì ),胜利的(📣)(de )法(🈷)(fǎ )庭式需要(yào )具(jù )备(bèi )出色的口才和辩论技(jì )巧。审判过程中,辩(biàn )护律师和检察官往往要迅速回应对方的观(🕝)点和质疑,提出有(🥡)力的反驳和驳(bó )斥(chì )。他们需要(yào )能(néng )够清晰、有条理(📧)地陈述(shù )自己的(de )立场(🙌),并(bìng )通(tōng )过合理的论(👴)(lùn )证和精准的言(yán )辞来说服裁决者。此(cǐ )外(wài ),律师(shī )们(men )还需要善于(yú )运用辩护策略,如(rú )演(yǎn )绎法、类(🍷)推(🌏)法(fǎ )等,以增强自(🐿)己(jǐ )的论(👳)证(zhèng )力度。只有具备高超的口才和辩论技(jì )巧,才能在庭审中(zhōng )取得(🤐)优(yōu )势,争取胜诉(sù )的(de )机会。

